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ZK Builder Ideas

What can I build?

Scroll loves seeing creative ideas from hackers, but if it’s your first time building with ZK tech, it’s hard to know where it fits in. We’ll suggest some ideas here by Friday, February 2nd.

Our Idea list

ZK Verifiers on Scroll

We’ve deployed and tested verifier contracts on Scroll for a variety of languages used to write ZK circuits. If you experiment with anything beyond this list, let us know!


🤐 Best ZK usage for Privacy on Scroll — Winner, $3500. Runner-up, $1500.

Digital privacy is a human right. We want to see your best use of ZK to build out a novel privacy use case on Scroll. This could be a standalone project, or a unique way of connecting the building blocks already in our ecosystem. Work with identity (i.e. Anon Aadhaar, EAS), Defi (i.e. Uniswap, Aave), or established ZK stacks (i.e. ZK Email, Semaphore). Building with Noir using client-side proving and on-chain verifying is a great way to get started.

🎡 Best ZK usage for Scalability on Scroll — Winner, $3500. Runner-up, $1500.

Scroll scales Ethereum and the EVM, but applications still have opportunities to improve accessibility for users on Scroll. This could be through experimenting with DA layers (i.e. Avail), proof generation markets (i.e. Sindri), or aggregating and verifying off-chain work for use cases like gaming.

We want to see your wild ideas for bringing new possibilities on-chain by leveraging ZK to verify things that aren't feasible to do on-chain.

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